Compressed Gas Cylinders

Follow these guidelines for the safe and proper handling, storage and use of compressed gas cylinders:

  • Gas cylinders may contain up to 3,000 psi pressure. Serious accidents have occurred when the valve stems of these cylinders were broken off.
  • Cylinders should be regularly checked for corrosion, cracks, general distortion, or any other defect that may indicate a weakness or render them unfit for service. The bottom of the cylinder should also be inspected.
  • All cylinders should be legibly marked to clearly identify the type of gas.
  • All valves should be closed off before a cylinder is moved, when the cylinder is empty and at the completion of each job.
  • Valve caps must be in place on all cylinders with a water weight capacity over 30 pounds when not in use.
  • Storage of empty or full compressed gas cylinders shall involve the securing of every cylinder by an approved chain or webbing to prevent a tipping, falling or rolling hazard. Empty and full cylinders should be stored in separate areas or be separated by a fire wall.
  • Cylinder tags that designate status (full, in service, empty) shall be used.
  • Those cylinders in use shall be properly secured in an upright position and shall be transported only on cylinder carts. A cylinder valve should be opened slowly to avoid valve damage.
  • Compressed gas cylinders should be stored in areas protected from external heat sources such as flame impingement, intense radiant heat, electrical arc or high temperature lines.
  • Cylinders should be located or stored in areas where they will not be damaged by passing or falling objects or subject to tampering by unauthorized persons.