Faculty & Staff

We strive to create and maintain a supportive climate and daily excellence within the department that encourages professional growth and contributions to the field of psychology.

One of the hallmarks of our program is the collaborative research that takes place between faculty and students.

Please contact any of us if you have questions about studying psychology at 桃瘾社区 or are interested in learning more about the research and scholarship currently happening in our department.

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Catherine Bagwell

  • Virginia Lasater Irvin Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Peer Relations and Friendships


Wall 393

Pronouns: she/her

Catherine Bagwell

Alesha Bond

  • Nancy Akers and J.Mason Wallace Assistant Professor in Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Judgment and Decision-Making
  • Categorization
  • Stereotyping



Wall 375

Pronouns: she/her

Alesha Bond

Maurya Boyd

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology
Maurya Boyd

Brian Eiler

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology
Brian Eiler headshot

Molly Flaherty

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Language Development
  • Sign Languages
  • Cognitive Development
  • Number and Langauge
  • Langauge Emergence and Evolution



Wall 371

Pronouns: she/her/hers

headshot of Molly Flaherty

Jessica Good

  • Chair & Associate Professor of Psychology
Jessica Good

Phil Icard

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
Phil Icard Headshot

Kristi Multhaup

  • Vail Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Cognitive Aging
  • Memory
Kristi Multhaup headshot

Linnea Ng

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Work-Life
  • Identity



Wall 386

Pronouns: she/her

Linnea Ng

Julio Ramirez

  • R. Stuart Dickson Professor of Psychology | Director of the Neuroscience Program
Julio Ramirez Headshot

Phia Salter

  • Associate Professor of Psychology



Office: Wall 372

Lab: Wall 170

Phia Salter Headshot

Mark Smith

  • Wayne M. & Carolyn A. Watson Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Addiction
Mark Smith Headshot

Laura Sockol

  • Associate Professor of Psychology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Anxiety & depression related to pregnancy
Laura Sockol Summer Adviser

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Samantha Armas

  • Lab Technician, Behavioral Pharmacology Lab
Samantha Armas

Samantha Biancorosso

  • Research Technician, Behavioral Pharmacology Lab



Wall B046

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Samantha Biancorosso

Cathy Derby

  • Departmental Coordinator



Wall 287

Pronouns: She/Her

Cathy Derby

Salome Hailu

  • Research Lab Technician
Salome Hailu

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Faculty Emeriti

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