Tyler Starr

Associate Professor of Art


  • Associate Professor of Art


After studying for two years at the Rhode Island School of Design, I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at the University of Connecticut. I was subsequently awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland. I returned to the U.S. to complete the Master of Fine Arts Degree at the University of Minnesota and then became the Studio Manager at the Highpoint Center for Printmaking in Minneapolis. I recently graduated with a Ph.D. in Studio Arts from the Tokyo University of Fine Arts where I was a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarship.

My work has been featured in solo exhibits and juried shows at venues such as Yale University's Haas Arts Library; the International Biennial of Contemporary Prints-Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Li?ge, Belgium; the 2nd Bangkok Triennial International Print and Drawing Exhibition; and the Tokyo Wonderwall 2009 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan. I was the recipient of a Grant Wood Fellowship at the University of Iowa where I developed a new body of artwork that applied skills and concepts learned in Japan to American subject matter.

I am particularly interested in the ways printed information has been used from its very beginnings to map human endeavors. My artwork looks to the American development and techniques of yellow journalism as well as incorporating lessons from Japanese art traditions such as economy of information and sensitivity to materials. 

The courses I teach in drawing and printmaking treat the two subjects as critical means of investigating the world around us. While I am steeped in traditional approaches to art, I encourage earnest questioning and inventive investigations in the studio.